Please navigate to the assignment PVA in the ConBio SP2023 workspace. In the Files
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scripts.Below, we will see how to model a population where individuals in different ages or stages make different contributions to population change over time.
First, we will build up intuition about \(\lambda\) in the context of projection matrices. How is it possible that we can extract a number that presents the average per-individual growth rate when there is age, stage, or size structure?
We’ll begin by defining a projection matrix \(A\) for a species (say an annual plant) which has seedlings and adults that die at the end of the year. Both classes contribute in creating new offspring within the year though. We will also start with an initial population vector, \(n_0\).
### Defining the projection matrix and initial population vector
A <- matrix(c(1,4,0.5,0),byrow=TRUE,nrow=2) # projection matrix
A # display the projection matrix
n0 <- matrix(c(6,0),nrow=2) # initial population vector
n0 # display the initial population vector
### Running through 9 years in our model and seeing how
### the population changes over time
n0 <- matrix(c(6,0),nrow=2) # initial population vector ; redefine here to make sure we get consistent results below.
for (i in 1:9) {
nt <- A%*%n0
rownames(nt) <- c("Seedling","Adult")
colnames(nt) <- paste("Pop'n @ time:",i,collapse=" ")
print(paste("Seedling to adult ratio:",signif(nt[1,1]/nt[2,1],2),collapse=" "))
print(paste("Growth rate:",signif(sum(nt)/sum(n0), 3), collapse=""))
n0 <- nt # update n0 to take on the previous step's nt value
Below, we’ll start by importing data on the projection matrices of Khaya senegalensis. There are four matrices. Two correspond to low levels of harvest and two correspond to high levels of harvest for K. senegalensis trees; all of the matrices come from the Sudano-Guinean region in central Benin, which is a transition zone between the more arid north and the humid savannah central/south region of the country.
### Loading packages
library(dplyr) # data wrangling package
library(magrittr) # pipe %>% function
library(ggplot2) # plotting library
library(readr) # interacting with data tables
library(popbio) # load popbio package
### Reading in the data
KhayaDF <- readr::read_tsv("")
### Vector storing the different names for the conditions
khaya_conditions <- c("High S","High B","Low S","Low B") # high harvest or low harvest in the Sakarou (S)
# or Boukoussera (B) populations in Central Benin
### Processing the data to extract the matrices
khaya_matrices <- list()
khaya_stages <- c("Seed","Sap","Juv","SmAd","LgAd") # Seedling, Sapling, Juvenile, Small adult tree, and Large adult tree
for (i in 1:length(khaya_conditions)) { # iterate through the 4 matrix conditions
condition <- khaya_conditions[i] # select condition number i (element number i) from the khaya_conditions vector
# Below, we walk through the spreadsheet and programmatically extract each
khaya_mat_i <- KhayaDF %>%
dplyr::filter(Condition==condition) %>% # filter the rows in the spreadsheet corresponding to this condition
dplyr::select(A1:A5) # select the columns that store the matrix data
# Now we store that corresponding matrix
khaya_matrices[[i]] <- as.matrix(khaya_mat_i) # convert the data to a matrix format
colnames(khaya_matrices[[i]]) <- khaya_stages # store the stage names
rownames(khaya_matrices[[i]]) <- khaya_stages
names(khaya_matrices) <- gsub(" ","",khaya_conditions) # assigning names to the projection matrices
### Here we will calculate the population growth rate, lambda
### for each of the four projection matrices.
khaya_popbio <- tibble::tibble(Popn = khaya_conditions,
lambdas = sapply( khaya_matrices, lambda)) # initiate a data table
khaya_popbio # print our data table
### Q: Which populations are growing or declining? Are any staying stable?
### Here we display a heat map of one of the projection matrices
### Specifically, we will pick the second matrix (High harvest in Boukoussera),
### which has lambda = 0.98
image2(khaya_matrices$HighB) # equivalently, image2(khaya_matrices[[2]])
### What is the survivorship rate for large adult trees?
### How many offspring do large adult trees produce?
In the code below, we will plot the population trajectories for the two Boukoussera populations. One is experiencing high levels of harvest (HighB
) and the other low levels of harvest (LowB
### First, we will specify a starting population vector
n0 <- c(500, 200, 100, 80, 50) # 500 seedlings, 200 saplings, 100 juveniles, 80 small adult, and 50 large adult trees
# You can arbitrarily change these 5 values to any (>= 0) number you like
number_years <- 100
### Use the popbio package to calculate projections for our populations
highB_Nt <- pop.projection(A=khaya_matrices$HighB, n=n0, iterations = number_years)
# We project the population forward using the projection matrix A,
# the starting population vector n0, and for number_years time duration.
lowB_Nt <- pop.projection(A=khaya_matrices$LowB, n=n0, iterations = number_years)
### Creating a data table to store the outputs
B_Nt_DF <- tibble::tibble(Time = rep(1:number_years, 2), # time steps
Nt = c(highB_Nt$pop.sizes, lowB_Nt$pop.sizes),
Harvest = c(rep("High",number_years),rep("Low",number_years)))
### Plotting the population model for the two Boukoussera populations
p <- ggplot(B_Nt_DF, aes(x=Time,y=Nt,color=Harvest))
p <- p + geom_point() + geom_line()
p <- p + scale_color_manual(values=c("purple","orange"))
p <- p + theme_classic() + theme(legend.direction = "horizontal",legend.position="top")
p <- p + labs(x="Years",y="Population size")
### What do we see?
### What does the distribution of stage classes look like?
stage_colors <- c("#fc8d62","#8da0cb","#e78ac3","#a6d854","#66c2a5") # from
stage.vector.plot(lowB_Nt$stage.vectors, col=stage_colors, main="Low harvest population stage plot")
### What does the distribution of stage claasses look like
### for the High harvest population?
stage.vector.plot(highB_Nt$stage.vectors, col=stage_colors, main="High harvest population stage plot",ylim=c(0,0.6))
Now, let’s take a look at all four of the K. senegalensis matrices and use those to examine how the relative frequency of the different projection matrices influence extinction probability.
In situations where we don’t model stochasticity, looking at the \(\lambda\) for the projection matrix would be enough to tell us if the population was going to be in trouble or not (\(\lambda < 1\)). However, when there is variation, which leads to different possible demographic rates for populations, we need to account for that somehow. Simulation models using these projection matrices let us do that type of analysis.
### Let's take a look again at those values
### of lambda associated with each population's
### projection matrix
khaya_popbio # print our data table
### Setting up our parameters for our stochastic projection
popn_probabilities <- c(0.3, 0.3, 0.2, 0.2) # this is the most critical parameter.
# This specifies that the high harvest conditions occur 30% of the time for each population.
# and the low harvest conditions 20% of the time
n0 <- c(500, 200, 100, 80, 50) # 500 seedlings, 200 saplings, 100 juveniles, 80 small adult, and 50 large adult trees
# You can arbitrarily change these 5 values to any (>= 0) number you like
number_years <- 100 # number of time steps to run each simulation
n_sims <- 1000 # number of simulations to run
### Running the stochastic population simulation
khaya_stoch <- stoch.projection(khaya_matrices, n0 = n0, tmax = number_years, nreps=n_sims, prob=popn_probabilities)
### Storing outputs at the end of each simulation
khaya_stoch_sum <- rowSums(khaya_stoch) # final population size for each of the n_sim number of simulations
### Returning the stochastic growth rate
# We store the output in a variable called sgr for
# stochastic growth rate
sgr <- stoch.growth.rate(khaya_matrices,
maxt = number_years, # maximum number of years
prob = popn_probabilities) # probability of observing each population projection matrix in the wild
### Calculating lambda
exp(sgr$approx) # we exponentiate because this method calculates a log of the stochastic growth rate
### Data frame to store the simulated outputs
khaya_stoch_DF <- tibble::tibble(simRun = 1:n_sims, # simulated run index
Nend = khaya_stoch_sum) # final population size for each simulation
head(khaya_stoch_DF) # view first few entries
### Visualize our distribution of final population sizes
p <- ggplot(khaya_stoch_DF, aes(x=Nend))
p <- p + geom_histogram()
p <- p + labs(x="Final population size",y="Frequency")
p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = 500, color="red", linetype=2, lwd=2)
p <- p + theme_bw()
# The vertical red dashed line corresponds to one threshold for
# "minimum viable population" size--500 individual trees.
# What do we observe below?
# (And is there some way to see when we fall below that extinction threshold?)
### Assess extinction probability through time
nExt <- 500 # extinction threshold; otherwise we use the same parameters as above
khaya_stoch_ext <- stoch.quasi.ext(matrices = khaya_matrices, n0 = n0, Nx = nExt,
tmax = number_years, nreps = n_sims)
### Plotting the cumulative probability of extinction across
### 10 model runs where each simulation had n_sims number of ### simulated populations for number_years time.
ext_title <- paste("Time to reach a quasi-extinction threshold of",nExt,"individuals",collapse="")
matplot(khaya_stoch_ext, xlab="Years", ylab="Quasi-extinction probability",
type='l', lty=1, col=rainbow(10), las=1,
One advantage of these matrix models is that we can examine which parameters are most important in changing the overall trajectory of a population. We saw above that \(\lambda\) for the high harvest population in Boukoussera is around 0.98.
As conservation biologists, how would we need to manage the population to ensure that it is viable? That is, what parameters would need to change so that \(\lambda \geq 1\)?
expMat <- khaya_matrices$HighB # experimental matrix storing the high harvest Boukoussera matrix
## Here we will re-assign the value for juvenile survivorship
# Note that survivorship should not exceed 1 in total!
expMat[3,3] <- 0.95 # increasing juvenile survivorship
# Re-setting those values here for expMat to the observed values for High harvest.
expMat <- khaya_matrices$HighB # You can comment this out to examine layering changes together
## Re-assigning adult survivorship
expMat[4,4] <- 0.93 # increasing small adult tree survivorship
# You can toggle this value differently
expMat <- khaya_matrices$HighB
## Re-assigning adult seedling production / fecundity
expMat[1,5] <- 4 # increasing large tree seedling production
### It turns out that we can see which values have
### the largest proportional contribution to changing lambda
elasticity(khaya_matrices$HighB) %>%
# What does this show?
Manipulate the values in the exercises we did above. I’ve copied the code here and indicated which ones you could change. How does that affect what you observe?
### Setting up our parameters for our stochastic projection
popn_probabilities <- c(P1, P2, P3, P4) # this is the most critical parameter.
# Change these values yourself to probabilities that sum to 1.
n0 <- c(500, 200, 100, 80, 50) # 500 seedlings, 200 saplings, 100 juveniles, 80 small adult, and 50 large adult trees
# You can arbitrarily change these 5 values to any (>= 0) number you like
nExt <- 500 # extinction threshold; you could change this
# Past conservation papers have recommended a 50/100/500 threshold
### Running the stochastic population simulation
khaya_stoch <- stoch.projection(khaya_matrices, n0 = n0, tmax = number_years, nreps=n_sims, prob=popn_probabilities)
### Returning the stochastic growth rate
# We store the output in a variable called sgr for
# stochastic growth rate
sgr <- stoch.growth.rate(khaya_matrices,
maxt = number_years, # maximum number of years
prob = popn_probabilities) # probability of observing each population projection matrix in the wild
### Calculating lambda
exp(sgr$approx) # we exponentiate because this method calculates a log of the stochastic growth rate
khaya_stoch_sum <- rowSums(khaya_stoch) # final population size for each of the n_sim number of simulations
### Data frame to store the simulated outputs
khaya_stoch_DF <- tibble::tibble(simRun = 1:n_sims, # simulated run index
Nend = khaya_stoch_sum) # final population size for each simulation
# head(khaya_stoch_DF) # view first few entries; uncomment by deleting leading # to run
### Visualize our distribution of final population sizes
p <- ggplot(khaya_stoch_DF, aes(x=Nend))
p <- p + geom_histogram()
p <- p + labs(x="Final population size",y="Frequency")
p <- p + geom_vline(xintercept = 500, color="red", linetype=2, lwd=2)
p <- p + theme_bw()
# The vertical red dashed line corresponds to one threshold for
# "minimum viable population" size--500 individual trees.
# What do we observe below in the plot?
### Calculating cumulative probabilities over time of falling below the quasi-extinction threshold
khaya_stoch_ext <- stoch.quasi.ext(matrices = khaya_matrices, n0 = n0, Nx = nExt,
tmax = number_years, nreps = n_sims,
### Plotting the cumulative probability of extinction across
### 10 model runs where each simulation had n_sims number of ### simulated populations for number_years time.
ext_title <- paste("Time to reach a quasi-extinction threshold of",nExt,"individuals",collapse="")
matplot(khaya_stoch_ext, xlab="Years", ylab="Quasi-extinction probability",
type='l', lty=1, col=rainbow(10), las=1,
### Based on what you've observed today,
### what values might you be especially concerned
### about, prioritize for additional surveying
### to assess accuracy, or prioritize for
### conservation interventions?
expMat <- khaya_matrices$HighS # experimental matrix storing the high harvest Sakarou matrix
# this population is in a very bad way - lambda ~ 0.85
image2(khaya_matrices$HighS) # use a heatmap to display the values of projection matrix HighS
### Which vital rates have the largest
### proportional contribution to changing lambda?
elasticity(khaya_matrices$HighS) %>%
## Here we will re-assign the value for juvenile survivorship
# Note that survivorship should not exceed 1 in total!
expMat[X,Y] <- VALUE # change X and Y to the row and column you seek to change
# change VALUE to the VALUE you'd want to change that matrix entry to.
# e.g. maybe I'd write:
# expMat[5,5] <- 0.7 # to increase adult survivorship from 0.625 to 0.7
# expMat <- khaya_matrices$HighS # uncomment to restore the values of HighS to exp(erimental) Mat(rix)
# Changing another value
expMat[X,Y] <- VALUE # change X and Y to the row and column you seek to change
# change VALUE to the VALUE you'd want to change that matrix entry to.